
HealthHero provides digital-first healthcare service, to help businesses support their employees health and wellbeing. As part of their membership package they produce a monthly newsletter with reports, guides and short animations offering advice from clinical experts on topical issues that maybe impacting your health.

Our short videos share advice and support on topical issues that maybe effecting you

The Challenge

The brief was to expand the existing HealthHero brand guidelines to work across long format documents, reports and also short animated videos. Taking into consideration how these designs would display when applied across print and web. As project lead I was responsible for delivering the monthly newsletter assets in quick time frames with tight budgets.

Monthly designed guides and reports written by healthcare experts on diet, nutrition, mental health, exercise and wellbeing.

We offer advice on issues that maybe impacting your mental or physical health.

Special thanks

Client HealthHero
Head of Design Tom Cooney
Brand Manager Alex Jordan
Designer Sam Marshall
Motion Sarah Klan


Engineering: Take a closer look


The Strat Magazine